Entrepreneurship Skill, Attitude and Behaviour Development
Saturday, 26th Feb 2023
4:30 PM to 5:30 PM IST
Dr. Shweta Singh
Entrepreneurship Skill, Attitude and Behaviour Development
Saturday, 26th Feb 2023
4:30 PM to 5:30 PM IST
Dr. Shweta Singh
Dr. Shweta Singh is Founder & CEO ‘Ennoble IP’, a global professional services provider offering IP Research, Analytics, Legal and Prosecution services. She runs ‘Women Innovation & Entrepreneurship Foundation’ (WIEF) a non-profit foundation. WIEF is an incubation cum Accelerator center dedicated towards building, improving, protecting, mentoring and funding, Indian women entrepreneurs through various problem solving and incremental innovation techniques such as design thinking and business modelling.
Dr. Shweta is a mentor, angel investor, wealth manager, and guide to many tech-based startups and small and medium enterprise specifically to support the women entrepreneurs. She has been acknowledged as the ‘Most Inspiring Women leaders 2022’ by the Economics Times. Currently she is building ‘SheReal’,  India’s professional networking web3.0 platform helping women from diversified backgrounds share, care and grow together.Â
Students of IMT CDL and Alumni. They can be from different background and domain. They may be from any level of management.
Getting conversant with the behavioural aspect of managing a business.
Participants will learn about how to perform their roles effectively or bring progressive change in their roles and responsibilities. They may acquire skills to scale up their existing venture or start new ventures.
Dr. Bharti Singh
Co-Ordinator, Institution's Innovation Cell
Email: bhartisingh@imtcdl.ac.in
+91 8130 493 800